What Goes Around Comes Around — To Me!

Another thought about Napoleon Hill and the book, “How To Think and Grow Rich.”

Written in 1920s. Libraries might have copies?

Mr. Hill was a religious man. You can read this book over and over, it will change your life.

Inside of one of his books, he said, “Nothing Matters.”

I do not take this as a negative statement. When you become older, there are certain things which won’t matter. When you become ill and near death, you will discover what really matters. And, if you are young  think twice about what habits you have and what  matters. Many things, in our lives, are trivial…..garbage.

What matters:

Religion or not? (You must have some belief….or, at least I think so)





Friends – your support system


Attitudes, understanding of

And, did  you share and give back to others?

You became upset about something. Think about it. That person, building, program, whatever. That was years ago, the building might be gone, your organization disbanded.  The person you hated–died. All that energy, frustration which you experienced —-does not matter any longer.

Hello World!

Just a few thoughts

Tenn Man