Love! What Goes Around Comes Around — To Me!

Definition of Love:

Strong affection

Warm attachment

Attraction based on sexual desire

Unselfish loyal and concern for others

Feel a passion. devotion


Take pleasure in

               There is a difference between love and sex.

When children are small, it’s easy to see if a child is happy. . Even babies have telltale signs of happiness and unhappiness. Love makes the difference.

Have most of  our problems: crime, addictions, poverty, resulted   because  lack of love?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if everyone  volunteered in hospitals, schools, homeless shelters, mental health facilities?  Isn’t that love?

Why are we  hesitant in showing/sharing love — or caring for others?

Hello World!

Charles Charles







Love Could Be Answer For Many Problems! –What Goes Around Comes Around– To Me!

America has many problems –  upside down economy,  lack of jobs, political upheaval, juvenile gangs, murders, many crimes committed by  illegals, adult children killing parents, children killing children. bullying, stupid drug laws, and a costly war on drugs, corrupt politicans. .

Could  the lack of love and attention  cause these   problems? If a child does not receive  love,  then, there is  no one to guide  him/her through life.

Why is it that Americans do not share their lives —with homeless people, mental health residents, inter-city families, and others? Are  we afraid of those who live in poor areas?

Recently, a group of Cincinnati high school students visited a poor downtown area. One of the kids said, “I didn’t know that these people were like us.”


Hello World!


What Goes Around Comes Around — To Me!

Another thought about Napoleon Hill and the book, “How To Think and Grow Rich.”

Written in 1920s. Libraries might have copies?

Mr. Hill was a religious man. You can read this book over and over, it will change your life.

Inside of one of his books, he said, “Nothing Matters.”

I do not take this as a negative statement. When you become older, there are certain things which won’t matter. When you become ill and near death, you will discover what really matters. And, if you are young  think twice about what habits you have and what  matters. Many things, in our lives, are trivial…..garbage.

What matters:

Religion or not? (You must have some belief….or, at least I think so)





Friends – your support system


Attitudes, understanding of

And, did  you share and give back to others?

You became upset about something. Think about it. That person, building, program, whatever. That was years ago, the building might be gone, your organization disbanded.  The person you hated–died. All that energy, frustration which you experienced —-does not matter any longer.

Hello World!

Just a few thoughts

Tenn Man

What Goes Around Comes Around –To Me!

Friends – What is a “friend?”

Young students have labeled  friends  with  nicknames. Sometimes, kids will be creative,  and change  names, just for fun –  to confuse elders  Sometimes,  they carelessly call someone “a friend.”

As I have stated before, I am a slow learner.

So, at age 82, I know more about  friends and friendships. And, if you are older, or  a shy person, get over it! Someone is looking for a friend—like you.

First, many of us –(20012)– who live  in the United States —   we still have  certain family values and  cultures, as people from other countries do. That  is one reason,  why some people, unfortunately, practice discrimination. They really do not know,  nor understand  persons of other cultures.

Our culture  has changed over and over for many  years. So, it is understandable,  that immigrants discover that our language/ culture is difficult to understand. Some of our words have different sounds and meanings.. Then, there is our slang, dialect,  and persons   from different States or regions.Migration from one State to another started in the 1800s..

If we travel to other countries, we would be attracted to various  cultures. and their values.

I read that President John Adams had gone out of his way, as a treasure  some of his schoolmates as “friends” throughout his lifetime. As he grew older, and when a friendship had  blossomed – he  valued  that friendship until  his death..

What can we take from President Adams? Focus on family and friends at an early age. But, it is never too late.  Some of us parents are terrible TEACHERS. Tell your children something that you want them to do –BUT explain why! (Not always possible.)

If you want him to cut his/her  hair, explain why. Let them make some decisions.(at age 11 and/or it will seem like you have a different child in the house). If you want better grades, explain why. One of my children said, “I always remembered that you wanted my hair cut.”

Now, what is a “friend?”

I classify friends, as people who you can count on,  if you have “a bump in the road”, accident, sickness and/or death in the family. Those who you will do things for– and you do things for them.. A leach (one who wants to take from you – but never do anything for you, is  not a friend.

That “friend” does not just take from you, but will “share.” (Sounds like a marriage and/or love  relationship?)

First, you should remember your own culture. Church (or not?), School (or not?) (Family relationships?) –

It is not difficult to understand simple practices. If you hang around with more than one person , an aggressive member of a group encourages others  toward bad behavior – sometimes, it may be impossible for you to say No!”

The way to handle this:  relish  friends  who are  like you.It is better not to join groups with those  who run wild.

You must be your own person, and know who you are. Did you know that many people do not know who they are? (values, behavior, family ties).

Young people are at a disadvantage. But, if you have family, ask their opinions! Trust step parents, if that is possible. Many step parents try to help. Often, young people turn away from step parents, and that is unfortunate, in many cases.

Parents, step parents, grandparents, adopted parents  and others SHOULD understand that after age 11 and/or 12, it just may be too late to cement relationships. Those who can accomplish this are miracle workers and should write articles — “how I succeeded ?”

I have written about “Love” before. A person who loves you must be a “friend.” There is a difference between love and sex. Hopefully, Mom, Dad, Sister, Aunt, Uncle — or a “friend” can help you with advice, when you are in love —at an early age. Keep asking yourself, “What do I want out of life?” “Who am I?” Turn to your parents immediately, if possible.

Did you know  that American  women, in particular, faced prejudices – when in came to education and employment?Women in many foreign countries are not accepted as equals.

Read the history of the civil war and other times in our history. The women were the backbone of the country but got little credit. Oh, yes, in WWar1 and  War War II they received recognition.

Did you know – that part of our culture – up to the 1980s — when more women worked outside of the home.  men were the  leaders in families?  No matter how poor a family was, some men did not want wives to work. In the 1920s and 1930s, many men did not allow women  to make that decision.

.Read your history. Women were not received well in colleges until late 1890s? It was many years after that –before some colleges accepted  women! In the 1950s, one had to be exceptionally smart, motivated and/or wealthy to attend a college.

What happened after WW2?

There were not many in men teachers in Ohio’s  public schools, during the 1940s..

I also  recall  that married women could not teach in schools –and in businesses like Cincinnati Gas and Electric–  and other businesses.

Iin 1972 or 1973 – my wife  was told that they would not hire her – as a printer – in a unionized newspaper because “she was a woman.”

So, young boys and girls – when you are deciding to drop out of school, understand  why parents want you to attend college. Unfortunately, in the 1970s, people wanted schools to teach the value system (truth, honest, morals), etc. But, that did not get very far in politics.

The economy might be bad, but learning should never stop.

Know who you are! You can discover that by talking to yourself (silently) and ask parents, grandparents and relatives questions! If you become involved with someone, it is  necessary that two people have an income to start on life’s pathways. Many people are working two and three jobs. Farmers and others  work more than three jobs.

Ask your parents and grandparents, how quickly life passes, after high school,and  college.Life is sometimes like a Ferris wheel and/or merry-go-round (those things have almost disappeared).

Kinda like many words that we once knew!

Tenn Man

Hello World!